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Maryland Dispensaries

Find a Zen Leaf dispensary in Maryland and discover local state resources for medical cannabis patients and recreational consumers in the state.

All Zen Leaf Dispensary Locations in Maryland

Maryland Cannabis Laws

Understanding Maryland's cannabis laws is essential for anyone looking to use cannabis responsibly within the state. These regulations cover a broad spectrum of aspects, including medical use, possession limits, and the legalities surrounding cannabis cultivation and distribution.

Getting Your Medical Card in Maryland

The process to secure a Maryland medical card opens the door to accessing medical cannabis for therapeutic use. This journey involves confirming your eligibility under the state's qualifying conditions, consulting with a certified healthcare professional, and following through with the state's registration process.

Maryland Medical Marijuana FAQs

Looking for an up-to-date summary of the medical marijuana experience in Maryland? We’ve put together a series of questions and answers relating to cannabis regulations and laws in the state.

  "name": "acf/faqs",
  "attributes": {
    "name": "acf/faqs",
    "data": {
      "questions_0_question": "Is Cannabis Fully Legal in Maryland?",
      "_questions_0_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_0_answer": "Yes! As of July 1, 2023, adults aged 21+ can purchase, possess, and consume adult-use marijuana in Maryland.",
      "_questions_0_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_1_question": "What are the Adult-Use Cannabis Purchase Limits in Maryland?",
      "_questions_1_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_1_answer": "<p data-pm-slice=\"1 1 [&quot;bulletList&quot;,null,&quot;listItem&quot;,null,&quot;bulletList&quot;,null,&quot;listItem&quot;,null,&quot;bulletList&quot;,null,&quot;listItem&quot;,null]\">Recreational cannabis consumers can purchase:</p>\r\n<br><br>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>1.5 oz (or 42g) of cannabis flower, loose or pre-rolled</li>\r\n \t<li>12g (or 12000mg) of vape options</li>\r\n \t<li>750mg of edibles</li>\r\n \t<li>or an equivalent combination of the three</li>\r\n</ul>",
      "_questions_1_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_2_question": "Do You Have to Pay to Receive a Medical Marijuana Card in Maryland?",
      "_questions_2_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_2_answer": "You do. To register to receive your MMCC card, patients will be required to pay a fee of $50. MMCC cards are valid for 3 years, with the $50 fee required for renewal.",
      "_questions_2_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_3_question": "How Long Does It Usually Take to Acquire a Medical Marijuana Card in Maryland?",
      "_questions_3_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_3_answer": "From the time you submit your application to when you receive a Maryland medical marijuana card, you will typically have to wait a maximum of 45 days.\r\n<br><br>\r\nPatients will receive an email informing them about whether their medical marijuana application was approved. If 45 days have passed and you still haven’t received a response, you can try calling or emailing the MMCC for assistance.",
      "_questions_3_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_4_question": "What Is the Qualifying Age to Receive a Medical Marijuana Card in Maryland?",
      "_questions_4_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_4_answer": "To receive a Maryland medical marijuana registry identification card without parental permission, the patient must be at least 18 years old. If the patient in question qualifies but is a minor, their legal parent or guardian will need to register as a caregiver.",
      "_questions_4_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_5_question": "How Do I Find a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Maryland?",
      "_questions_5_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_5_answer": "To search for a medical marijuana doctor in Maryland, go <a href=\"https://www.marijuanadoctors.com/medical-marijuana-doctors/md/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">here</a>.",
      "_questions_5_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_6_question": "Will My Medical Marijuana Card Show Up On a Background Check in Maryland?",
      "_questions_6_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_6_answer": "If you receive a standard background check, no, your ownership of a medical marijuana card will not be provided to your employers. This is due to the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA. As a result, your employer will not be able to view confidential medical information during an official background check.\r\n<br><br>\r\nKeep in mind that other kinds of background checks can lead to your employer discovering this information, however. For example, if your employer opts to use an alternative background check service rather than simply an official procedure, it could be possible for them to learn about your possession of a medical marijuana card.",
      "_questions_6_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_7_question": "Will My Medical Marijuana Card Show Up on a Federal Background Check?",
      "_questions_7_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_7_answer": "No, your ownership of a medical marijuana registry ID card will not be visible during a federal background check. If you have a history of unlawful cannabis possession or use, this will be discoverable during a federal background check. Also, if it’s on your criminal record, it will be visible information.",
      "_questions_7_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_8_question": "Can Your Employer Fire You for Having a Medical Marijuana Card in Maryland?",
      "_questions_8_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_8_answer": "It is not acceptable for an employer to fire or otherwise penalize an employee due to their possession of a medical marijuana card — despite positive drug test results.\r\nHowever, if an employee uses cannabis at work or brings their medical marijuana to their place of employment, they are at risk of punishment or firing. In addition, if an employee shows up to work impaired due to medical marijuana, this may also lead to repercussions. Even if the employee is currently off the clock, any of these events occurring on work premises can lead to strong repercussions from their employer, including termination.",
      "_questions_8_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_9_question": "Is It Legal to Grow Your Own Cannabis in Maryland?",
      "_questions_9_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_9_answer": "At present, it is not legal for individuals to grow their own cannabis—this includes those in possession of a medical marijuana registry ID card. If you are discovered to be involved in home cultivation, you could be charged with simple possession. If the quantity of cannabis is determined to be more than suitable for personal use, you could also be charged with possession with intent to deliver.\r\nTo grow cannabis in Maryland legally, you must be licensed and certified by the MMCC. These growers will also face strict regulations and background requirements.",
      "_questions_9_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_10_question": "Can You Ever Use Medical Marijuana Recreationally in Maryland?",
      "_questions_10_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_10_answer": "No, it is not legal to use medical marijuana recreationally in Maryland. Medical marijuana is only intended to be used by qualified patients, all of whom are being treated and monitored by a physician.",
      "_questions_10_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_11_question": "How Much Medical Marijuana Can a Patient Receive From a Dispensary in Maryland?",
      "_questions_11_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_11_answer": "In Maryland, the amount of medicinal cannabis an individual can receive is reliant upon their physician. So, this number can vary, depending on what the health care professional determines.",
      "_questions_11_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_12_question": "Is There Any Cannabis Product Testing in Maryland?",
      "_questions_12_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_12_answer": "In 2019, the vape pen lung injury outbreak encouraged Maryland to strengthen its current testing regulations for medical marijuana. As such, the testing requirements were expanded to directly account for toxic levels of heavy metals in medical marijuana.<br><br>\r\nDue to these changes, cannabis must be tested during the flower’s growing stage, as well as the oil’s processing stage. This particular law is intended to improve the safety of vaping products regarding medical cannabis.\r\nStill, all medical marijuana must undergo batch testing before being distributed. These products, vape-related or otherwise, must all be tested for microbiological impurities and other contaminants. It is required that this testing occurs in certified independent testing facilities within the state.",
      "_questions_12_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_13_question": "What Strains of Medical Cannabis Are Available in Maryland?",
      "_questions_13_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_13_answer": "Medical marijuana cardholders in Maryland have the option to choose among several strains, depending on their needs and preference. This includes popular strains such as G Purps, Cherry Gorilla, and Motor Breath.<br><br>\r\nCardholders can choose among indica, sativa, and hybrid strains. These strains will also have different levels of THC and CBD and varying amounts of other terpenes.",
      "_questions_13_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_14_question": "What If the Cannabis Strain I’m Looking for Isn’t Available at the Dispensary?",
      "_questions_14_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_14_answer": "If this is ever the case, you could consider talking to one of the dispensary’s patient assistants. In some instances, the patient assistant might be able to direct their cultivation team to begin growing the strain you’re seeking. Of course, this won’t always work out, but it is certainly worth a try.",
      "_questions_14_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_15_question": "Where Can I Use Maryland Medical Marijuana?",
      "_questions_15_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_15_answer": "In Maryland, you are only legally allowed to use medical marijuana at your residence. Public consumption can lead to several potential repercussions, depending upon the circumstances of the situation. Generally, using marijuana in a public space will lead to a civil fine of $500, at the maximum.<br><br>\r\nHowever, other scenarios can lead to harsher punishments. If the individual uses medical marijuana in a motor-operated vehicle, civil or even criminal penalties can result. It is illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana, and doing so can result in a DUI conviction.",
      "_questions_15_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_16_question": "Should I Check My Medical Marijuana Allotment History Often?",
      "_questions_16_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_16_answer": "Yes, it’s a wise idea to regularly check your allotment history if you are a medical marijuana user in Maryland. If you do this, you’ll be able to find mistakes before it’s too late for them to be corrected. After finding an error in your medical marijuana order, contact the dispensary as soon as possible to see if the transaction can be modified.",
      "_questions_16_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_17_question": "Can I Drive After Using Medical Marijuana in Maryland?",
      "_questions_17_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_17_answer": "Both in Maryland and throughout the United States, it is not legal to operate a vehicle after consuming marijuana. This is considered driving under the influence and is often punished harshly, such as with a DUI charge. The legality of the marijuana in question won’t lighten treatment of the situation.",
      "_questions_17_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions_18_question": "When Did Cannabis Become Legal for Medicinal Purposes in Maryland?",
      "_questions_18_question": "field_632ae305336793",
      "questions_18_answer": "In the state of Maryland, medical marijuana was initially legalized in 2011, bute first dispensaries in the state didn’t begin to open up until 2017. Always not that while medical marijuana is legal in Maryland, recreational use of the substance has not been legalized.",
      "_questions_18_answer": "field_632ae30d3367a3",
      "questions": 19,
      "_questions": "field_632ae2f6336783"
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